DaisyUI, Tailwind, Vue and Vite

I've decided to document how to set-up and use DaisyUI, with Vue and Tailwind, having used it recently in a client project. I added DaisyUI to ensure there was some consistency in the application I was building. It was initially being developed by myself but then it quickly grew to being developed by developers in multiple teams. Features and components were built without any wire-frames or base styleguides to follow. Some groundwork had to be introduced before the UI became too fragmented.


  • You'll need Node installed globally on your machine.
  • See what DaisyUI offers

Initial setup

We'll be using Vite as our development server. It's now the standard, over Webpack, for developing JS applications. I highly recommend moving your existing web app builds over to Vite. The speed increase is worth the migration process.

Pop open your terminal of choice and run the following commands:

  • Run npm init vite projectName, where projectName will be the name of a new folder for your application
    • select vue using the arrow keys and press enter to select
    • select vue again
  • Once that has completed, you should see a prompt to cd into your new project directory
    • run npm install to install the base dependencies
    • run npm run dev if you want to see the base Vue app. You can also experience how fast Vite is at getting your dev server running
    • If you've ran the last command, exit out of it so we can install the remaining dependencies
  • Run npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer to get tailwind, postcss and autoprefixer installed as Dev dependencies
    • run npx tailwindcss init -p to generate config files for Tailwind and PostCss
  • Open your new project directory in your IDE
    • In tailwind.config.js we need to update content: [] with content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}",] to tell Tailwind to look at our index.html and our Vue.js files where we'll be using Tailwind classes
    • In ./src/ we need to create a new CSS file. It can be called anything you like. I call it index.css. Within this file we need to add the following to import Tailwind's directives for each of its layers:
      @tailwind base;
      @tailwind components;
      @tailwind utilities;
    • In your ./src/main.js add the following line import './index.css', under import App from './App.vue' to import the new stylesheet. You should have:
      import { createApp } from "vue";
      import App from "./App.vue";
      import "./index.css";
    • Empty the contents of ./src/App.vue and add the below with Tailwind's classes:
        <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold underline mb-10">Hello Vue!</h1>
    • Back in your terminal, run npm run dev and go to the URL Vite has provided, e.g: http://localhost:3000
      • You should see a plain white page with Hello vue! in large bold text with an underline:
      • Plain hello Vue! text

      • You can now exit this as we need to add DaisyUI to the application
    • In your terminal, run the following to install DaisyUI: npm i daisyui
      • In the tailwind.config.js file we need to add require("daisyui") within the plugins array. You should have the following in your tailwind.config.js file:
      /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
      module.exports = {
        content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
        theme: {
          extend: {},
        plugins: [require("daisyui")],
    • Back in your ./src/App.vue file we can start adding some DaisyUI classes, e.g:
        <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold underline mb-10">Hello Vue!</h1>
        <button class="btn btn-primary">Hello Daisy button</button>
    • In your terminal, run the following to see the changes npm run dev. You should now see an updated page with a theme and styled button:
  • That's it! We've now got access to all of DaisyUI's components throughout our application

Taking it a step further for future applications

I feel like the following steps are important to create a template for any new applications you feel like building:

  • Delete the contents of the following directories:
    • ./src/components/
    • ./src/assets/

That's it, You can now commit this to a repo and use it when you're starting new projects. I've created my version here for you to clone if you'd like.